Friday, February 3, 2012

I Love My Legs

I love my legs.  No, they can’t hold my weight nor run any distance, long or short.  They can’t walk along the beach or dance across the floor.  But they are mine.  They are every bit a part of me as my mind or my smile.  And for that, I love them.

~Misa on Wheels 

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

You are Strong

Sometimes it takes a setback in life to show you just how strong you are.  We learn to prevail in ways we never thought possible and teach ourselves how to do the same things in a whole new way.  We learn to never take the little things for granted and to be thankful for each and every moment we are given.

Most importantly, we always keep going.  Doesn't that alone prove how strong we are?


Misa on Wheels

Learning to Fly

I remember the day I learned that I would no longer have the ability to walk.  The previous night I had called my mom into my bedroom, having woken up from a dream.  I told her that I had dreamed I was flying.  She held me close until I fell asleep, and the next morning I went to get fitted for my first powered-wheelchair.  I will never forget the first time I used it, turning it up to the highest speed and feeling the wind in my face.  I could no longer walk, but boy, could I fly.


Misa on Wheels

Merely a Word

Being in a wheelchair does not make one disabled.  The only thing that can disable us is our thoughts.  Thoughts about the world, thoughts about others, and above all else, thoughts about ourselves.  So, to everyone who reads this and gives it any thought, I would like to do my best to remind all of you that 'disabled' is merely a word that those unable to see the possibility in every situation cast upon those who are different from themselves.  Such people are the only kind that I would ever call disabled.


Misa on Wheels

Learn Something New

People are so often afraid of things they do not fully understand.  They distance themselves from those who appear different and from new ideas.  If everyone were to give such things a chance instead of running away, could you even imagine what kind of place the world would be?

So, today I challenge you to not be afraid.  And to learn something from every person you meet.


Misa on Wheels

See the Ability

Throughout my life, there have been so many people who have tried to tell me what I can't do. They would see the DIS and not the ABILITY.  Every "You can't" became a new challenge for me.  And now, the T in can't simply doesn't exist to me.  So remember to live every moment to the fullest and to see the ABILITY in every person around you.


Misa on Wheels

Hello and Welcome!

Hello everyone!

Here you will find a compilation of my posts and updates.  I will do my best to keep you all informed of upcoming conventions I will be attending, cosplays I am working on, and fun happenings in my life.

Thank you so much for letting me share my story with you!

Love always, 

Misa on Wheels